BONUS Block Options

BONUS Block Options

There are just so many bird-related blocks out there, and even with these extra ones, I haven't exhausted them. Below are some suggestions for using the blocks.  Previous quilters have used them, or not used them, in all the ways described. It's entirely up to you.

Pop over to the website to gather some inspiration from the gallery of completed quilts which have used the BONUS blocks, either to add a border or to make an additional quilt.

Option 1: Substitute Blocks

Most the BONUS blocks are 6″ x 6″, and can be substituted for blocks on the Aves quilt top.

If you don’t like a block, or find it too difficult, swap it for a BONUS block in the appropriate colourway. Many blocks are half-half, or half-blocks; just adjust the pattern to make them as whole, normal blocks.

You don’t need the 4″ x 4″ BONUS blocks for this option.

Option 2: Extra Border

The 6″ x 6″ blocks can be used to enlarge your Aves Quilt by adding an extra border. This extends your border quilt to 80″ x 80″, by setting whole and half-blocks on point:

If you want to do this, you will need to set aside the appropriate number of whole and half-blocks throughout the year and adjust the half-dark/half-light blocks.

You don’t need the 4″ x 4″ BONUS blocks for this option.

Here is Lyn Saxby's version, so you can see it in fabric:

Check the gallery for other border options, from the incredibly creative and inspiring previous students. Here is Brenda Clough's award-winning variation. Other quilters have emulated this in their own way.

Option 3: BONUS Quilt

The blocks are designed to make a 60″ x 60″ quilt. Here’s my plan:

I have deliberately made this schematic black and white, as I don’t want you to fret about the colours; it’s just to give you an indication of where dark and light sections will be located, without giving away the surprise of which BONUS blocks you will receive.

This quilt uses all the blocks, in the configuration given in the patterns. The small blocks in the centre of the quilt are 4″ x 4″, the others are 6″ x 6″ whole or half-blocks.

You may wish to wait until you have finished the main quilt, so you can use up your scraps, unless you are confident you have plenty of extra fabric.

Izabella Finna's version

Option 4: Quilt Back

At last, we come to the original intention for the BONUS blocks!

Use the 60″ x 60″ quilt as part of your quilt back; just add some additional fabric around the edge to bring it up to size. The on-point design roughly echoes the orientation of the blocks on the quilt front, so the quilting will blend-in and make your quilt truly reversible.

Option 5:

Don’t bother. The BONUS blocks are entirely optional! Just add them to your block library.

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