Inspiration - Completed Quilts

Add Your Quilt to the Gallery

Feel free to add a picture and the story of your quilt here. It's a massive undertaking to finish a 365 Challenge quilt, even more so the Star of Wonder! We'd all like to admire it. You will also inspire other quilters still on the journey!

Charlott Sundahl, Sweden

We all owe a great deal to Charlott, who is one of the Amazing Pattern Testers who persevered with the first draft of my instructions, and made corrections and suggestions to simplify them! Thank you for your support, as always, Charlott.

Charlott finished her quilt in 2021.

Charlott made her quilt in beautiful, soft colours, as a gift for her daughter, and quilted her Star of Wonder herself.

Helen Adamson, USA

Helen used freezer paper piecing for her blocks, and recommends using batiks (which are reversible, so make cutting out easier).

Helen was able to finish her quilt first of class of '22, on the day of the last block! Amazing. She also has been instrumental in keeping the rest of us motivated! Thank you, Helen.

The border is inspired! Love it.

Helen also quilted her Star of Wonder, booking time at her local shop.

The quilt will have its official unveiling at Sisters 2024

Heather Lyon, USA

Heather Lyon made her quilt in a multitude of colours as she adores contemporary designers like Tula Pink.

Heather finished her quilt within days of the last block for class of '22! A bit thank you to Heather for setting up the daily albums in Facebook. It was so inspiring to see her blocks every day!

Heather machine pieced everything, avoiding all English Paper Piecing; and quilted her Star of Wonder herself.

Sylvie Williams, Canada

Here is Slyvie's completed top, finished within weeks of the last block of class of '22.

Doesn't it look fantastic? I love the subtlety of the yellow highlights and the grey border; but notice that Sylvie actually used strong yellows to achieve this.


Robyn Holden, USA

Robyn used the original colours in her amazing quilt, then set them off with a bold border. Masterful!

Robyn quilted her Star of Wonder herself. Here it is finished, in all its magnificence.

Cathy Kell, USA

Cathy has combined green and red, for a stunning quilt.

I love the simple border, with the thin red strip, it really sets off the quilt and brings everything together. Congratulations, Cathy, on an amazing work of art!

Maggie Dawson, Canada

Here is Maggie's completed quilt top. Maggie worked tirelessly and meticulously to create this wonder!

Maggie recommends using just one fabric for each of the colourways. This takes the effort out of choosing fabrics every day! Good advice, as I seem to take ages just to get the fabrics picked!

Maggie is still considering her border options. Can't wait to see her choice.

Brenda Clough, UK

Brenda is one of the Amazing Pattern Testers, so had an early start on her quilt, but then had a million other things distract her progress.

Here is her finished quilt top. I love the combination of blue and lilac, it's heavenly!

Brenda recommends labelling each block as you go. There is a very specific layout as you place blocks to complete the jigsaw.

Here it is quilted:

Other Colourways to Inspire

Some yet to be completed quilts, which will have you drooling over the colour choices. Enjoy!

Margaret McConnell

Margaret is our resident foundation piecing guru! She adapted all the patterns to be made this way, and improved on the original foundation piecing patterns. Class of '24, you have Margaret to thank for the additional patterns scattered throughout the instructions (I'm moving them over from Facebook to here during 2024-2025)!

Thank you, thank you, Margaret!

Margaret's blocks are sheer precise perfection!

Barbara Roessler

Barbara has been on a steep learning curve with this quilt, and has been an inspiration to all of us! Barbara, your perseverance is a guiding light.

Barbara is using a lovely combination of apricot and green. Very autumnal.

Kathryn Kerr

My quilt is still a work in progress. I decided to make the background dark.

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